As soon as warmer weather becomes consistent every every woman is on the hunt for a good pair of sandals! But what style? What brand? What color? What price point? There is a lot consider, so we've done a quick roundup of our Prept picks to make your life easier.
Comfortable and functional
For our gals-on-the go looking for a go-to shoe
For our babes that want a good option that won't be going out of style anytime soon
For those that want whats "in" and latest styles popping up this season
Want more personalized advice? Book a style session here or in our app should you want 1:1 personalized assistance from a pro that can style, shop, and help you find what works best for you!
Did you know that you can also chat with a member of our Prept Team in our app anytime you need quick tips, inspo, or suggestions? Shoot us a message! We'd love to hear from you <3